Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trusting Him for Them

As much as I would love to come to the rescue, I can only do so much, and that little bit that I can do seems so small for the burden I have for them. I have given and want to do more, but to what point? How much is there a "too much"? What is He trying to teach them, and would I be a hinderance to that if I took up my hypothetical cape and flew to the rescue. They are His. He is their Father who will provide for their needs. He doesn't need my cape, He already has them tucked under His wings.

Maybe He does want to use me, maybe He does want me to be closer to help, maybe He wants me to stay here and help from afar.

The tendency of my heart is to jump in and help, but how much of that is my desire to serve and my love for them vs. my issue with loss of control?

Even if I weren't able to help out in any way at all.... They still are His.

Maybe He just wants me to trust Him for them.

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