Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Helpless Feeling

We are never helpless, although the feeling can often convince us otherwise. Often we think we can do more than we really can, and then are left feeling stuck or helpless..... For example, if a friend has a problem and there is absolutely nothing to do, even listening isn't an option for whatever reason, and most people say something along the lines of "All I can do is pray." THAT IS THE GREATEST THING TO DO!! It should be the first thing, but is often left as the last thing. (I am the guiltiest of all)

Two things recently happened and I was shaken up by them and left feeling helpless. I couldn't travel a few hours south of Lima to help with some of the disaster relief right after the quake hit. God had his gentle yet firm hand on me holding me back, and my boss did too. Then I learned that medical help wasn't as needed, so I felt a bit better, but I was still seeing pictures and videos of destruction and people's lives severely shaken up. I did pray and am continuing to do so, but I felt so helpless. I wanted to help right away, but couldn't. I was also recently talking on the phone to someone so dear to me, and they began to sob, and I've only seen them tear up once. I've never seen or heard them break down as they did. All I wanted to do was go to where they were to throw my arms around them and assure them of my love. But I could only do so by phone, being separated by 3000+/- miles. I felt so helpless. I felt left in limbo, unable to do what I wanted to do, be it a hug or presence.

I know in both cases I was not helpless, but was left with the strong desire to do more than I was able to do. In those moments, the Savior invites us to lay our burdens down, to breathe in His presence and His good will, and in laying our burdens down, submitting our petitions before the throne we are acting in the best way we possibly can. Yes there are often ways we can help, but only as we are led to.

We are never helpless, no matter what we think or feel. The Helper is always there for us and our problems.

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

...... all other ground is sinking sand..........

That song means so much more to me know. I am listening to Passion's version of that song as I write. I have known Christ to be my Solid Rock for so long, but it is so easy to put our hope in other things. Last week I was in the earthquake here in Peru, and though Lima was not as damaged as Ica, I had 2 long minutes of jello-like ground beneath me.

How often do I take for granted or put trust in even the ground beneath my feet? The ground beneath us seems so solid, so unmovable, so secure..... yet it isn't! We build our houses and our lives on it, but it cannot sustain us. There is only one Rock that is solid, and that is Christ.

I write this out of experience. Not only in situations where the ground beneath me is moving, but in things physically or emotionally are falling down all around me, has He been my Rock. I did not fear the quake as so many around me did. He is my stronghold. My life didn't end when my ministry did, when I've been dumped, or when I've felt forgotten...in fact my Rock held me together, He held me close, and He healed my wounds. I don't let Him take control of a lot of things in my life, but when I do, let me tell you..... it is SO extremely beautiful!!

He has changed my mourning into dancing!!

He has filled me with great JOY!!!