Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reverse Culture Shock

So I have been back in the states now for over 8 months. Its crazy to think that, but time truly has gone by quickly. I feel that overall my transition has been good and smooth. I only had a few rough weeks in the beginning, but since then I rested in the fact that I know I am called to be here for now, and acknowledged that it is ok to separate in my mind how different life in Peru is to life here in the States.

So after my visit back to Peru this past September, about 6 months after leaving Peru, I would have imagined at least a little reverse culture shock. The weird thing is that while in Peru I was semi-eager to get back here. The weirder thing is, last week after visiting my dear friend in Boston I had a HARD time adjusting to being back here and was questioning where I am to be.

Backing up..... as a nurse there are many opportunities in many places to work, and I have always toyed with the idea of travel nursing. But, I need community and people I know nearby, and I wouldn't take an assignment to a place where I don't know anyone.

I LOVED Boston.

I loved it when I went there with my family 13ish years ago, and I loved it even more this time around. I could TOTALLY live there. I also have family and many friends from working camp at Ridge Haven that are out in St. Louis. That would be a great destination too!

One of the biggest reasons for considering this is for finances. My hope and plan (which is often changed by One who knows best) is to be debt free by 30. I am also burdened to help some dear people to me out financially as well and would be able to "do more" if I made more.

The shock hit after the trip probably for several reasons. I came back from Boston with my new car waiting for me. And honestly for the first few days I really wasn't enjoying it much. It wasn't buyers remorse, because I'd done the research, saved a good chunk of money, and know this is logically a great decision. Taking on a new loan and a new (used) car is stressful, but finally got to where I can look at the HUGE blessing the car is that I have, that I DON'T deserve at all, but in all logical reasons is what I need right now. Balancing me having this nice car with what I was used to in Peru, and the 2 mindsets between these 2 countries, was part of my initial problem. It isn't a necessity to have a car in Peru, there is enough public transportation and taxis to get you anywhere, but it is a necessity here to have a reliable mode of transportation. If my dearest friends in Peru were to see this car of mine that I have, I don't believe they would understand well. Then on another aspect, being able to pay for this right now when some close to me are really struggling financially, I guess I also felt guilty for having this as well.

Then if I were to leave, it would be hard and take longer to find good community as I already have here. Last Sunday night (in the midst of this shock) I teared up several times at life group thinking of the possibility of leaving my group at OMPC (even though there are many I am still getting to know).

I came back from Boston and kept all these building thoughts of "I don't know where God wants me!!!!!" inside and they kept building up for several days before I could talk to someone and let it all out. But once I did, it didn't seem like such a big issue after all (though it was HUGE in my mind), and was so good to have some view points from two sweet sisters in Christ about it all (shout out to Crissy and Duski!). some odd days later, I am once again at peace (thank you Lord) and though I don't know where He may want me later, I know He wants me here right now.

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