Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not What I Planned

It was just a normal day...or so I thought. I wanted to get as much sleep as possible before working a double shift, but in preparations for a trip coming up, I needed to take my car in to be looked at, oil change, brakes, etc. I went on to bed to get whatever sleep I could, and then was called. "Miss Bennett," the mechanic said, "how much do you like your car?" Up to that point I was mostly content with what I had. The conversation continued and he told me what all they found wrong with my car. I know a lot of mechanics will try to pull one over on people, especially young women, but I don't believe this was the case. The costs of fixing the dangerous issues my car had was quite a bit more than the actual worth of the car, and he told me as well that I was a few pot holes short of watching my wheel fly off and getting in a serious accident. So, long story short, I will be getting a newer car here shortly.

Initially I freaked out. This was NOT part of my plan. I am slowly getting up on my feet financially, and was not planning to buy a car for at least 6 months. My plan. It makes me think about the scene in Evan Almighty when Steve Carell's character says the same thing to Morgan Freeman's character, "God" who responds, "Your plan?" and then laughs. Yet, if my plan was to wait a few more months before seriously considering a car purchase, I could have very easily been involved in a car accident if my car really is in such a bad condition. Come to think of it, if it weren't for the oil needing to be changed, I probably would have taken this trip, and who knows what could have happened. It makes me wonder if something similarly to that scene in Evan Almighty took place in the heavenly realm as I was in my room crying and frustrated about getting a new car. Well, maybe He wouldn't have been laughing about the absurdity of me worrying about "my plan" than He would have been trying to console me and show me He is protecting me, that He has more of a purpose for me than to loose my wheel and possibly my life with it.

Why am I so thick-headed sometimes? And who gets upset about getting a newer car?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

(oh and side note... I am more at peace about the whole situation now).

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