Monday, September 22, 2008

Where He Wants Me

I got back a few days ago from a visit to Peru. It was the first time I went back since I came home in February. It was a great visit in all, and I wasn't sure what it would be like for me going back and then coming back here again, but God is good. I walked the streets of Salamanca and other parts of Lima, and while it was all so familiar, and a place I used to call home, I had the continuous sense that I am not called there now. (Which is good since I am in Birmingham!) It was one of my homes, but it is not my home. And when the time came for me to leave, I was ready. I wanted to get home, I wanted to go back to work, I wanted to go back to my church. I know God wants me in Birmingham right now, and have known that.... but it was nice to have a further confirmation to my heart while I was in a country I used to serve in.

Many people ask me still about my transition back to the States, and I have heard horror stories for some people coming back. But I truly feel like my transition has been great, and one huge reason why is that I know that I am where He wants me, and I can rest in that, even when all else is crazy around me.

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