Friday, July 25, 2008

As Iron Sharpens Iron

So yet another season is over, and I am very ok with it! There was a young gentleman in my life from Peru, and he and I had been praying and pursuing a relationship, but that chapter has recently closed, and it has been a beautiful thing. From even before it started I sought the Lord about it, and we had a DTR of sorts, and I have no doubt that the Lord wanted us together for that season. We established early on that the relationship would be built on Christ, and that we would seek Him in this, knowing in faith that He would lead us as He wanted. Including this relationship and one other I had about 10 years ago, I have had 2 relationships where Christ was the center, and I didn't have to keep bringing that up over and over again to the opposite party, but this time was reminded of that more by him. As in the relationship 10 years ago, Christ led us through it, and led us to end it at the same time, we were on the same page. What a beautiful and peaceful thing!

I am not heartbroken, but liberated...this season is over, and I know this is what God wants!

He is a genuinely great guy, and I do not have any bitter feelings towards him at all. I know without a doubt that the Lord wanted us in this relationship, and I truly feel that it was an "iron sharpening iron" relationship. He encouraged me in the Lord as I did him, and I know we are better people because of it. He had never been in a Christ-centered relationship, so I hope this was a great thing for him to experience.

When this relationship started, it was met with a lot of skepticism, and how it came across to me was moreso that people thought I was crazy, acting on an impulse, and not seeking the Lord on it- when the opposite was true. I sought the Lord, I had clarity that I was to be in this, and now that season is over. I know that if I had acted on an impulse and not sought the Lord, I never would have had peace throughout the relationship, nor would I have it now. I am eager to see what the Lord does next in my life, so moving on forward.....

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