Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Too Much to Write.... Too Little Time

There is too much to write, and too little time. Oh how I wish I could just have a day, without work or errands, a day to escape, a day to write, whether to catch up on my journal, or scribble the many wild thoughts I have had, be them deep or flighty.

It seems life is running away with me, but its moving way faster than I can keep up with it. 

High points, low points, learning points, all of them I want and need to hash out on paper or on the screen.... if only it weren't 3:15 am my time and if only I weren't so tired to stay on this and hash things out. 

What are you doing Lord? You are not a God of confusion, but where is the clarity I have been praying for? What do you have for me? I am coming upon a huge change and I have never felt so lost.  Please, please.... just a hint, just a glimpse of the bigger picture.  

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